Another Pre-Human Detected in Papuan and Aboriginal DNA

Research shows Neanderthal man, Denisovan and another in DNA.
Paleontologist have all the answers about man. They have a complete map of the evolution of humans beings. If you think this way, you are wrong! Evolution to the present is just based on a few old bones.  Modern examination from other sources it changing established theory.  Neanderthal man Denisovan
Mortlock Islanders
Two prehumans are known: Neanderthals and Denisovans. However, genetic research has now shown that there are traces of another extinct human species in human DNA. Australian Aboriginals of north-east Australia and the people of Papua New Guinean carry these genes.
   Neanderthal man evolution
Astralo-Pacific people have about 2.8 per cent of Neanderthal in their genetic makeup. It was believed that another 6 per cent was from Denisovans. The latest research shows this estimate to be wrong. Only 1.11 is clearly Denisovan. This leaves 4+ per cent from another prehuman or maybe more sub-species.
   Neanderthal man.
Africa is truly our Garden of Eden.  Man is not the only species to have left Africa in steady waves. Neanderthals and perhaps Denovans left Africa too. It is believed that Denisovans were an off-shoot of Neanderthals. This should be treated very carefully, though. It could be the other way round!
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Another Pre-Human Detected in Papuan and Aboriginal DNA research denisovan wrong shows genetic people human