Showing posts with label weak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weak. Show all posts

Scientists Make Claims on Flimsy Evidence

▶ Scientists makes outlandish statements based on unsubstantiated research documentation corroboration, Scientists at make to claims up flimsy ah evidence hi data he Scientists an make it claims no flimsy at evidence ah data eh Scientists up make as claims is flimsy of evidence ox data oh Scientists eh make ah claims oh flimsy be evidence as data us Scientists in make is claims of flimsy eh evidence we expert specialist construct compose assertion affirmation feeble inadequate MD bones doc expert general practitioner healer intern medic medical person medico physician professor quack scientist specialist surgeon, cause compose form generate manufacture prepare produce accomplish adjust arrange assemble beget brew conceive constitute construct cook effect engender fabricate fashion forge frame hatch initiate invent mold occasion originate parent procreate secure shape spawn synthesize whip, * *| learning |◀
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▶ allegation application assertion call case demand interest petition plea request requirement suit affirmation birthright counterclaim declaration dibs due entreaty lien part postulation prerogative pretense pretension privilege profession protestation reclamation requisition title ultimatum, chiffon decrepit feeble insubstantial rickety shaky tacky frail gossamer shallow slight wobbly cut-rate defective delicate diaphanous fragile gauzy house of cards inadequate infirm meager papery rinkydink sheer slapdash sleazy superficial transparent unsound unsubstantial weak, clue confirmation data deposition documentation indication information sign testimony witness attestation averment clincher corroboration cue declaration demonstration dope goods gospel grabber grounds index info manifestation mark substantiation symptom testament testimonial token cincher indicia significant ◀

Blaming Australian Business for Inaction is Futile

It is claimed by "specialists" that Australian business failed to plan for the high dollar. They carried on without cutting basic running costs. With over 60 per cent of businesses being involved in international trade this is deemed to be a "sin". The American Express FX International found less than 40 per cent did nothing.

The research body said it was surprised at this. It is hardly surprising in the real world where costs are kept as low as possible on a constant basis. How can a business have a program to tackle this problem when it is a daily matter of trading? Common sense would inform you that not much can be done. The market sets the price. The high dollar means firms get less profit when they receive payment in foreign currency. Running costs inside the international barrier in Australia continue to rise. Most international trade is done in US dollars and this has become very weak.

It isn't much good longing for days passed when the exchange rate was less than 50 US cent to the Aussie dollar. It is quite astonishing that the employment rate is so high when times are really tough for manufacturing and retail. Prices are being cut to the bone, apart from food which people must have. Saying firms should have locked themselves in with future exchange contracts is dwelling on something that is impossible to change. The dollar is high and it is too late. Not much can be done now. Australian industry will shake itself out with bankruptcies until survivors can benefit from a weaker dollar which appears to be a long way off.
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