Showing posts with label peanuts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peanuts. Show all posts

Red Meat Allergy Caused by Parasitic Tick

Allergic to red meat from parasitic tick
Can insects affect what you consume?  They certainly can!  Ticks are causing severe allergy to red meat in people who are bitten.  The relationship between ticks and the allergy was only discovered in 2007.
  Red Meat Allergy induced by Parasitic Tick.
Tick induced allergy to red meat
The malady is called tick-induced mammalian meat allergy (TIMMA). There will not be immediate reaction to consuming red meat.  It can take up to 10 hours for complications to occur.  It is triggered by proteins in tick saliva.  Reaction to red meat is not the only symptom.  Those susceptible can become allergic to dairy products.
  Parasiticc\ Tick Causes Allergy to Red Meat anaphylactic shock.
People are mainly affected in the United States and Australia.  It seems that settled housing makes a good home for ticks.  However, the parasitic tick's host is semi-wild animals.  Peanut allergy is well known.  Though, in parts of Sydney allergy to red meat is as prevalent as the "common" malady.  Anaphylactic shock from either can prove fatal.  If diagnosed with TIMMA, patients are advised to totally abstain from consumption of dark meat.
 Health by Ty Buchanan 
parasitic, tick, causes, induces, allergy, red, meat, pork, poultry, peanuts, anaphylactic shock people reaction caused health timma malady affected caused ticks