Showing posts with label pad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pad. Show all posts

Cat Comfortably Peeps out of Window

▶ Cat has a look outside very comfortably. neighbors ◆ view watching visual common cats windows ◆ ✿2
cats animal psychology companion enrichment dog march august windows advertising dogs training provide time birds copyright phd todd zazie program reply delete view indoor watch light reported pets behaviour feline science information privacy home basement environmental spend insects interesting watching hours important pet advice policy owners person i'm follow research stroked shelter frustrated people email linking fees earn sites means designed affiliate associates llc services participant replies table unknown renting find enjoy exercise extra ways live helps welfare journal shyan-norwalt ellis open position ledge side bird feed wildlife visual common day sitting
✿2 ⧫1 neighbors cat an comfortably it peeps up window we neighbors ha cat or comfortably ho peeps uh window in neighbors do cat as comfortably eh peeps if window oh cat is comfortably an peeps we window or ⧫1 bunny wild love kittens puppies kitty sheep babies smile monkey lamb bunnies friends squirrel ⧫3 sitting a day a common a visual a wildlife a feed a bird a side a ledge a position a open a ellis a shyan-norwalt a journal a welfare a helps a live a ways a extra a exercise a enjoy a find a renting a unknown a table a replies a participant a services a llc a associates a affiliate a designed a means a sites a earn a fees a linking a a email a people a frustrated a shelter a stroked a research a follow a i'm a person a owners a policy a advice a pet a important a hours a watching a interesting a insects a spend a environmental a basement a home a privacy a information a science a feline a behaviour a pets a reported a light a watch a indoor a view a delete a reply a program a zazie a todd a phd a copyright a birds a time a provide a training a dogs a advertising a windows a august a march a dog a enrichment a companion a psychology a animal a cats ⧫3
Peeping cat
"Oh my God! Look what they're doing."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Oh to my in God! or Look up what oh they're at doing.

Tretris Game Stops Cravings

You would think that playing a computer game and increasing general excitement would increase cravings especially for snacks. Apparently, playing Tetris has the opposite affect. Tetris, even for as little as three minutes calms the brain. The desire for food, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sex and sleep are reduced by 20 per cent.
Playing Tetris hand
The block-shifting game takes concentrated brain power to play well. Keeping the brain "occupied" keeps distractions at bay. Contrary to the myth, women and men can only do one task at a time.  It is still surprising how sitting down and passively watching television increases appetite.

The research was carried out by Queensland's QUT and Plymouth University in England. It was done for a week. Preliminary finding are positive. Work needs to be done on other games such as shoot 'em ups and role playing. Perhaps current beliefs are totally wrong.
Chemistry by Ty Buchanan
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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shoot em ups role playing tetris block shifting stacking concentration brain power