Showing posts with label plains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plains. Show all posts

Woolly Mammoth Died Due to Mutations

When a warmer climate spread across the globe, the woolly beasts were in deep trouble.  Melting snow together with predation by humans made the animals extinct.  Their numbers dwindled to zero in 6,000 years.  A strange thing happened during this time.  The species tried to adapt and threw up countless mutations.  Most were destructive. | ▶ optimum not news. | mutations killed animals ◀ |
Extinction of woolly mammoth
The long dark coat, so good as insulation from the cold, became like satin and light could shine through it.  They got severe irritable bowel syndrome because they loss their sense of smell.    It stopped them from mating because of protein changes in the creature's urine.  | ▶ | australian| mutations ◀ |    

These changes are now known from two specimens in Siberia.  One on the mainland and another on a rock in the ocean.  It was the slightly later Wrangel Island specimen that had an over representation of genetic mutations. Those who want to save threatened species must now be careful. Inbreeding could bring about the mass genetic alterations and that kills off endangered animals. | ▶ | not. | ◀        | ▶ | not | ◀ |
  ▶ Changes in their genetic makeup means mammoth no longer exists. stories and news| mammoth to died of mutations latest woolly mammoths classic nes science died stock species mammoth on scientists genes pool gene genomic dead details origin million mammoth in died in limbs eyes concept study animal wiped meltdown small comparison mammoth as died be mutations kind genome lived isolation dna nature news ancient genomes mammoth or died at mutations extinction related north dying history researchers mammoth it died en mutations research mammoths migration investigation defence progress elephant ah mammoth did died oh mutations populations important natural population medical program molecules microscope disparities gender global human plant california elephants arctic fossils brink stem-cell mammals change range competition reduced translucent coats proteins urinary sequences mammoths | travel news stories | ◀ |
◆ Paleontology 
Tys Outback
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| ▶ extinct / genetic / whomever / boo / any / where / once / some / somebody / something / you / which / whose / now / darn / whomever / since / extinct / more / none / himself / whiz / ourselves / anyone / whom / lie / what / many / nothing / congratulations / rather / if / Anything / ahem / as / encore / money. / themselves / fiddlesticks / aw / before / after / soon / why / hour / best / they / she / although / few / ah / other / eureka / pushed / because / bingo / both / grief / whenever / due / such / everybody / herself / theirs / these / provided / than / who / goodbye / while / yourself / it / whichever / / ahoy / eh / bam / whatever / gee / someone / neither / aha / anybody / arg / each / origin / another / cheers / bravo / them / much / even / either / all / myself / not / yours / until / whichever / how / us / no / enough / everyone / inasmuch / this / one / he / whoever. / mine / gosh / an / nobody / wherever / little / we / alas / itself / ours / goodness / hers / one / that / blah / them / another / dang / unless / drat / who / several / his / whereas / most / supposing / gadzooks / me / those / brrr / currency / I / him / woolly / others / eek / Each / when / golly / lest / whom / till / in / her / though | best species time woolly / due / ◀ | photos articles |

New Lizard Found Near Perth

Despite the idea that everything is known about everything, the area of discovery is still wide open. Just outside of Perth in the sand dunes a new species of lizard has been found. It has been given the name Ctenotus ora.

There are concerns that it will not be around for much longer. New housing is encroaching upon the coastal plains skink's land. The lizard was identified during an Australian National University study into biological diversity in the Perth region.

Just how many of the lizards are out there is not yet known, so their prospects of survival is still an open question. The area of sand dunes where they live is getting smaller. Unless the state government steps in to stop it, urbanization will see most of the dunes concreted over.

The southwest of the state has not been explored in great depth. Other new species are probably waiting to be brought to light. Though people have been there a long time, concerns about work and shelter have been the priority not biological research.
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