Posh Dog

"Etiquette is everything."
Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Trojans are Beating the Banks

Everyone is spying on everyone else. This is a matter of fact. Life has changed so much since the advent of the computer. Trojans are easy to create and even easier to spread. When you log on to just about any site trojans flood onto your system. Even if you delete them they are immediately put back on your computer again. They do their work as soon as you start work on anything, sending information back to the target source.

PCs, tablets and mobile phones are all vulnerable. New trojans are created daily in their thousands. Some are very damaging. The presence of the Hesperbot banking trojan doubled in two weeks. They spread like "wildfire". Emails commonly contain phishing bugs that look like real banking communications. They are after your username and password so they can empty your bank account.

When you are working on your PC have you ever had a txt file mysteriously open on it own? This could indicate keystroking where what you type is being watched and in many cases a foreign source is controlling your computer. Everything you see on your PC is being seen by another person.

This is a warning - do not save your banking username and password in a txt file in the Documents folder or in a password managing program. Password programs can be cracked and every password you have to all your sites can be accessed. If you cannot remember your password store it on a device that can easily be disconnected from your computer.

We do not know what the future holds. However, a bank login site can be copied exactly and look like the real thing. Do not click a link in an email that seems to be from your bank. You could be taken to the rogue site. Once they have your username and password they will empty it of money in a few minutes.
         Internet by Ty Buchanan