Showing posts with label wing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wing. Show all posts

Australia Has Too Many Engineers

Australia does not need engineers from other countries.
The Australian Federal Government is devious in its behaviour to secure cheap engineering workers from overseas for businesses. Shaping the labour market in line with right wing beliefs on the freedom of movement of lower paid employees is normal for the conservative party misnamed the Liberal Party. The mistaken premise of wealth trickling down from the wealthy is also pushed by them.

Despite many Australian engineers being unemployed the government is seeking 22 engineers from other countries. This is absolutely stupid and is political bias by the conservatives. However, once in Australia after spending their savings to set up a new life they have to go into the oversupplied labour pool. Put succinctly, they will have to be on welfare payments.
Oversupply of Engineers in Australia
The Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, a dimwit at best, has ignored protests from engineering bodies to take engineers off the Skilled Occupation List. The mining boom is over which has created low market demand for engineers. Some new engineers brought in from other countries cannot even speak English.
oversupply, engineers, Skilled Occupation List, Skilled, Occupation, List, federal, government, lp, liberal, party, politics, right, wing

Australian Politics is Skewed to the Right - The Poor Vote for Them!

Politics: Malcolm Turnbull favors is own class.
Malcom Turnbull is hitting at the lower working class and the poor - blaming them for their situation. Though Australia appears to be a relatively "level" society, this is not the case. There is the same inequality here as in other Western countries.
Malcolm Turnbull laughing
Increasing the cost of university places hits poor families. His children have been spoon-fed from the honey jar all their lives. The Prime Minister does not know what poverty is. The arrogance of the man when he says the states will pay the full cost of public schools while the federal government will subsidize private schools. It is obvious who he really cares about - the well-off.

Increasing job finding training for the long-term unemployed is treating the effect not the cause. Unless the unemployed get better work skills they will remain on the dole. This is not their fault. Where are the poor going to get the money to pay for TAFE training now the government is charging for it? There is a shortage of skilled workers. There is always a glut of unskilled people looking for jobs. They chase the few vacant places in the fixed market.

Giving tax cuts to high earners was a real "kick in the guts" for the poor. It astounds me how the Australian public can vote a right-wing party into government when it does nothing for them. Tony Abbott would fit nicely into the British Conservative Party. He is an out and out Tory! He is not even a true Australian - born in London.
 Politics by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
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Catholics are Bigots?

It is not necessarily my view but when I was growing up I was told that all Catholics are bigots. It is due to the way they are brought up, being taught to hold strongly to dogma from the Vatican.
Malcom Fraser criticising Tony Abbot prime minister
This may not be true because the majority of adult Catholics do practice birth control even though this is banned by the Church. However, their upbringing is narrowed somewhat by the curriculum of Catholic schools which drives teachings of the Holy Scriptures into a child's mind.

The church of business was Protestant, at least initially. Now, it seems that the Catholic Church provides adults with a far right leaning. For example, a Catholic like Tony Abbott couldn't be further to the right. If he could move further he would fall off the edge.

He loves business and hates everything else. His attack on the tertiary sector is public knowledge. He thinks that money can be taken from scientific endeavour and business will somehow continue to make a profit. This view, of course, is wrong. Particularly today, advancement in technology is the key to making money. He forgets the great contribution of CSIRO. He would emasculate this illustrious body if he could!
Science by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

Tony Abbott Interferes in G20 Statement

There isn't much doubt that Tony Abbott the Australian prime minister is an ardent capitalist - odd for a person who calls himself a Liberal. This goes to show how Australian Political parties do not follow the international norm. Like most things in Australia our political system could be seen as unique with ardent conservatives forced to join the Liberal Party to secure power.

Tony Abbott is being accused of interfering with the G20 statement, taking out "fair" and "inclusive" in the description of desired economic growth. Apparently, he blatantly left in “promote economic growth and jobs growth by strengthening the private sector”, highlighting this. Australia has been told that it has left the moral high ground of previous G20 meetings.

Inclusive growth" is interpreted as a free for all in economies. Just getting there is important. Whether you run roughshod over the rights of people or not is not important in Tony Abbott's eyes. This follows the way he has behaved in domestic politics since the Coalition gained power - but only in the House of Representatives. He seems to have no understanding at all of negotiation. Being pig headed and putting the boot in is his manner.

Social cohesiveness is not important at all in the eyes of the Prime Minister: typical ultraconservative behavior. Not caring about anyone else it typical. Considering most right wing conservatives have inherited economic wealth, one could not expect them to feel otherwise. If you are born with a silver spoon how can you understand the hurt that others are experiencing? I feel that I am justified in calling Tony Abbott an ultraconservative.
Politics by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Mouse Under Bird Wing

"Let me take you under my wing."
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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

Scientists Are Studying New Zealand's Extinct Moa Bird

It seems we can study what animals looked like even though they are extinct. Australian and New Zealand scientists are studying prehistoric feathers to find out what birds were like. DNA has been obtained from the extinct Moa bird of New Zealand from feathers 2,500 years old. Moa are thought to have been still alive 1200 years ago It was 8 feet tall and could not fly. Material has been gleaned from three types of Moa: the stout legged; the heavy footed; and the upland Moa.

Somehow they have worked out that wing feathers had speckled white tips. This was to camouflage the bird from predators. The very large Haast eagle once existed that preyed on them. It is claimed that because the plumage of other flightless NZ birds is dull with speckled tips this idea is valid.

The scientists plan to get feathers from the end of the quill and further down the quill to compare coloration. It is hoped the findings will enable researchers to correctly reconstruct life-like models of extinct birds.

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Ugly Bird

"There's an ugly looking bird in there."
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Funny Animal Photos

Ostriches Use Wings to Run

The mystery of why dinosaurs evolved feathers has been solved. Observation of ostriches shows that wings are used to retain balance while running. Far from being evolutionary leftovers, they are used constantly.

This finding was made by breeding ostriches that were "human-friendly". Then they were then able to be tested, which took place when they were three years old. The ostriches were made to run down a 300 meter "track", indoors. They were seen to zigzag, brake and turn, guiding their bodies using wings as rudders.

Tests showed that feathers provided lift which improved stability. All living flightless birds are able to evade capture by quickly turning one way then the other. Without wings they would not be able to do this.

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