Australia - Austria Mix Up is Ongoing

When Australians won medals at early Olympic Games they had the ignominy of turning toward the Austrian flag and listening to the Austrian national anthem.

The opposite thing does sometimes happen, however. When Austria was elected to the UN Security Council one of the votes was for Australia which was not standing for a place on the council.

Some have claimed that it was not a mistake or an accident, and that someone voted for Australia to embarrass Austria. Indeed, Austria only just fell over the line getting the required two third majority.

Apparently it is not Australians who get upset about the constant mistakes; it is Austrians. Tourist shops in Austria sell a T-shirt with the slogan "there are no kangaroos in Austria".

Even Americans make the mistake though, Which is surprising considering the closeness of the two countries. President George W. Bush thanked Australian Prime Minister John Howard for visiting his Austrian troops in Iraq.