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Cosmological Effects on Earth's Evolution
Evolution speeds up with cosmic activity. Most people assume that we are isolated here on this tiny planet called Earth. However, throug...
Dark Matter Theory Is Questioned
Dark matter holds the universe together right? Well, the theory of dark matter may be widely believed, but there isn't much of it in ou...
Hubble Constant for Speed of Universe Expansion Defined by Australian Student
Australia has determined how fast the Universe is expanding. A student planning to study a PhD, Florian Beutler, has measured the Hubble co...
Australian UFO Files Lost
Don't bother doing research on UFOs in Australia: the files have disappeared. The Sydney Morning Herald put in a freedom of information...
Young Australian Student Discovers Missing Mass in the Universe
A young 22 year old Australian lady finds the answer to missing mass in the universe. Amelia Fraser-McKelvie is not even a post-graduate r...
Dark Energy Exists
Dark energy is no longer theory it is fact. Evidence from 200,000 galaxies confirms the hypothesis that dark energy is pulling the universe...
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