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Giant Rats Found in East Timor
We all know that rats can get really big, particularly when they eat "quality" garbage left by humans. Yet, city people have nev...
Man Lived Alongside Giant Lizards
Humans lived alongside giant lizards. Some would say we still do. Doesn't the Komodo dragon still exist in Indonesia? Australian Abor...
Millions of years ago kangaroos were much different than they are today. The sthenurine kangaroo once dominated Australia. It became ex...
New Clam in Australia
There are many kinds of clams, some of them very large. The bigger ones are classified as "giant" clams. All were thought to be...
Aboriginals Did Not Wipe Out Megafauna
The argument continues over whether humans were responsible for the extinction of megafauna. Giant emus, large kangaroos, marsupial lions a...
Giant Ants in Ancient North America
Big insects once roamed the US. They were very big. Ants were the size of small birds 50 million years ago. They are thought to have cro...
Humans Wiped Out Australia's Megafauna
Humans destroy more things in the environment than climate change. This is especially the case in Australia where over the last 50,000 years...
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