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Animals Adapt to City Life Better Than Humans
Humans are not changing much as they take to city life. Animals on the other hand are evolving rapidly. Anole lizards in Puerto Rico...
Canine is Given Odd Dog Food
This mutt has another little doggy. Is their something sinister in the owner presenting the pet with such a gift? it could be a new friend ...
Big Eyed Puppet Creature
"Do not put your hand up me mate!" ▶ big it porpoise Barb Squirrel bullfrog grasshopper furseal insect fly snowy loon big ...
What is a Bandicoot?
||| marsupial nose long short. | Bandicoots are marsupials that live in Mainland Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and its surrounding is...
Queensland and NT are Losing Mangroves
|_| Australia is facing a period when there will be fewer mangroves. to - losing australia. |. nt | mangroves breeding on fish climate ch...
New Mushroom-Like Organisms found off Australian Coast
There may be alien creature "out there" - Well many believe that there is - but some weird things live on this planet. In the ...
Global Warming Threatens Native Marine Species
As meteorologists tell us that natural disasters are becoming regular occurrences due to climate change, so the threat to certain animals sp...
If you want to see weird animals go visit Australia. Most animals are spread throughout the world but Australian marsupials stay strictly at...
The Demise of Species Will Have to be Prioritized
Not much can be done about saving endangered species when the great majority of people "don't give a damn". Like global warmi...
New Classification System for Bird Species
Birds are the most diverse creatures on Earth. Not only have they changed into different species on large continents, they have also adapte...
Slimy Mold the Ideal Evolutionary Subject
Predictions on what alien life could look like are limited: movie aliens are typically humanoid with various outer "textures". An...
Things Falling From the Sky
Things have been falling from the sky for hundreds of years with no solid explanation. It has been claimed that marble pillars from ancient ...
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