Showing posts with label Chinese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese. Show all posts

Polluted Air Should be Monitored

Biology: monitoring of levels of polluted in the air is needed.
Want to lose weight? Just stop breathing. It is as easy as that. Pregnant rats in China got fat because they breathed in polluted air.  People face the same problem.  Babies being born fatter may be desired.  However, it could indicate a lifetime of illness for those living in polluted regions.

The rat's cholesterol went through the roof. They also became insulin resistant with diabetes just a short way down the track. Livers and lungs were inflamed. The longer they breathed the bad air, the fatter they got. Baby rats from the pregnant females were much sicker.
Polluted air in Chinese city
Inflammation per se is directly related to obesity which is a precursor to diabetes, or even synonymous with it. Cancer, stroke and heart attacks are related to bad air. Poor health from polluted air is not just a Chinese problem. Western countries do not monitor bad air very intensely. A case in point is Brisbane in Australia where it is measured at three sites well away from the city centre.

Pressure is mounting to set up a federally funded monitoring system so people can keep their stay in polluted areas to a minimum. Factories continue to ignore guidelines at their whim. Australia did have enforced regulations in the 1990s,
but monitoring was stopped.
 Biology by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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New Chinese Theme Park for Australia?

A theme park is to be built at Warnervale in New South Wales. It is not your usual holiday inspired park like Marine World or Disney World. The name of the new entertainment precinct is not yet known, but it will be devoted solely to things Chinese. Buddhist

It is aimed more at Chinese tourists than Australians. A panda paradise, thanksgiving temple and treasure ship are expected to draw the customers. A massive half a billion dollars is dedicated to the project.

The rather odd name of "Chappypie China Time" is being put forward as the preferred choice by Chinese developers. This choice will not go down well with Australians. It is awkward and doesn't translate well into Australian culture.

It will based on "old" China, not the present totalitarian state. Things such as a copy of the Forbidden City, thousand-hand Guanyin and dragon boats will be the main theme.  Developers say it will rival Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. However, these are thing quintessentially Australia. How can a Chinese project be marketed as an Australian icon?

The Wyong Shire Council insisted that the park must have rides to make it relevant to Australian customers. Disney has also said that legal action will follow if the word "Disney" is in the park's name. The move by the Chinese consortium comes as a bit of a shock to Disney which says there is no local market there for such a huge investment.

Such a project could be a ruse to build a thanksgiving temple. This will be the first thing constructed. It could also be the last. Local people would not want such as large temple built near to them. Councillors should be wary of the "easy out" clause in the contract.
Culture by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Beatboxing - Percussion Sounds of the Mouth

There must be a dearth of things to study. Scientists are now researching the odd sounds that people make. It may seem weird but its true. Those who can make odd sounds are called beatboxers.

Scientists are interested in percussion sounds. These are expressed in Celtic, Chinese, North American and Indian cultures. Hip-hop is an area of great interest. A young "practitioner" had MRI scans done on his mouth while he created percussion sounds.

The conclusion reached is that a lot of brainpower is involved in imitating percussion. It "is a small part of the larger puzzle," experts say. In my view it takes little mental concentration. Just put your tongue behind you top teeth a "tap" away.
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Past Interaction of Indians With Australan Aboriginals Is Questionable

Australia's physical connection with the mainland of Asia disappeared 4,000 years ago. It is assumed that people from India crossed into Australia before this time. There is little proof of this. Indians and Australian Aboriginals are distinctly different. Aboriginals are more like Africans, while Indians appear to be black Caucasians.

DNA tests on both gene pools do show a link. However, this link could be directly from Africa 70,000 years ago. A similar thing could be said about Neanderthal genes being carried by some modern humans. The markers could have been there before both species split off from a common ancestor. The fact that Neanderthals have a different number of chromosomes is dismissed by some scientists when it is known that offspring of related species with differing chromosomes can have offspring but they are invariably "mules" who have infertile young.

Australian Aboriginals are the earliest of Mankind to leave Africa. There were many waves of movement out of Africa. Southeast Asia is much closer to Australia than India. When Europeans first arrived in Queensland there were two types of Aboriginals, One very dark skinned with robust features like natives of New Guinea, and a lighter skinned more gracile kind.

India is divided socially today into very dark skinned people who have been in the country for a large period of time, probably those left behind on the Aboriginal migration to Australia, and lighter skinned Indians who arrived more recently. There may not have been later interaction from those who remained in India on the very first journey from Africa and Australian Aboriginals..
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Herbalists Should Be Tightly Regulated

Everything in society is controlled to make it safe, right? Wrong! Herbal medicine can be consumed freely without restriction even if it kills you. Try to buy opiates which can be taken for a lifetime without harm and all sorts of restrictions apply. Drug addicts die of illnesses such as aids and hepatitis.

Recent tests were done on an Australian who took Ayervedic medicines. His body had eight times the maximum safe level of lead in it. The mistake he made on a visit to India has ruined his life. Ayervedid herbs are normally contaminated with heavy metals. Whether this part of their "healing" function is not known. Imagine taking lead, arsenic and mercury, daily.

In Australia, Indian and Chinese herbs are monitored for dangerous levels of heavy metals. That's where it ends: the efficacy of the "medication" is not tested. You can buy such herbs on the Internet from countries where product quality is not regulated.

It is surely time for the herbal medicine market in Australia to be tightly regulated. Herbs should be vetted by a qualified physician before the herbalist dispenses them. Only then will sham treatments be stamped out.
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