Cats in Coatboots

"Are you sure these are coats?"
~~~~~Funny Animal Photos~~~~~
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Young People Are More Stressed With Life

It would be expected that people of middle age had problems with life. They are still working, see young people taking over their jobs and worry whether they have accumulated enough superannuation. Perhaps elderly people have a tough time. Many completed their working lives when superannuation was not compulsory and rely on an inadequate state pension. If they have not purchase a home during their time working they have to pay rent out of the little bit the state gives them, then have to live on what is left.

If you thought these two groups were the greatest worriers you would be wrong. Young people aged between 18-25 are most stressed according to an online survey involving 1500 subjects. The young are not really taking jobs from the elderly. Under 25s have a hard time finding a job in the first place even if they have a university degrees.

With the way they are brought up - having anything they wanted from parents who were afraid to discipline them, they find staying at work for 8 hours unbearable. After a short time they feel disillusioned with searching for employment when they are dismissed so easily. Indeed, many really hate work, much, much more that older workers near retirement who were brought up in tougher times, when smacking your child was accepted. Older workers also accept hierarchy as normal. They do what the supervisor or boss tells them. Young people only know "doing their own thing".

Its no wonder more than half of young people surveyed cannot live on average income. They received everything as children with no money worries. Normal income does not allow a person to have takeaway for every meal. Experts say, "Small adjustments to the way you think or behave can often have a big impact." I doubt this. This is a structural problem within Western societies. The shock of stepping from a protected childhood to working young adults is just too great.
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